Starting September 27th, Zoom will require that all meetings have either a Meeting Passcode or a Waiting Room (or both) enabled for all paid accounts. 

Zoom originally said this would happen on on 19th July, then quietly deferred it.

Password vs passcode?  

- Zoom now only use the word "password" when referring to your Zoom webpage login, or your Zoom App login to Zoom. This is only used by the Host.

- Zoom use the word "passcode" for the meetings. 

Both can contain letters and numbers.

What about telephone dial-in?

It appears that passcodes will not be required for telephone dial-in unless you request them.  Zoom say:

Your security selection for meetings will not affect phone Passcode requirements unless you select “Require a Passcode when joining by phone.”

Waiting Room

If you have waiting room enabled for your meetings, then people joining will be told that they are in the waiting room, and the meeting Host will need to Admit them to the meeting. Whilst in the waiting room they cannot hear your meeting. This means that nobody can get into your meeting without the Host allowing them in.

Here is a Zoom video explaining meeting rooms: 

One disadvantage of a waiting room is that the Host will need to be alert for anyone joining late.

The full announcement from Zoom is here.